vulnerable Bugcrowd to Advance DevSecOps

Microsoft Launches an AI Bug Bounty Program

As Microsoft aggressively integrates AI into its broad portfolio of products and services, the IT giant now is looking for help to ensure they are free of vulnerabilities. The company this month ...
Security Boulevard
Parameters tab in NetworkMiner

Start Menu Search Video

In this video I demonstrate that text typed into the Windows 10 start menu gets sent to Microsoft and how that traffic can be intercepted, decrypted and parsed. The video cannot be ...
Search for Chrome on Bing, and you might get a nasty surprise

Search for Chrome on Bing, and you might get a nasty surprise

It’s 2018, and you can still end up with your computer compromised by searching for the world’s most popular browser. That fact was brought home once again by Twitter user Gabriel Landau ...

The Security of Bing

| | Bing, cybercrime, Search Engine, SEO
This week Bing made its big debut. If you haven't yet heard of Bing, Microsoft has a 100 million dollar advertising campaign that should correct your ignorance pretty soon.Bing hasn't yet hit ...