Security Vulnerability of Switzerland’s E-Voting System

Online voting is insecure, period. This doesn’t stop organizations and governments from using it. (And for low-stakes elections, it’s probably fine.) Switzerland—not low stakes—uses online voting for national elections. Andrew Appel explains ...

Distributed Ledger: A Comprehensive Insight for Organizations

| | blockchain
A Distributed Ledger stands at the forefront of modern database technology, a shared database spread across many sites, countries, or institutions. This innovative approach to data management records transactions while ensuring every ...
decentralized finance vs centralized

Security and Safety of Decentralized Finance (DeFi) Platforms

In recent years, Decentralized Finance, commonly referred to as DeFi, has surged in popularity as a revolutionary financial ecosystem. DeFi platforms promise to democratize finance, offering decentralized alternatives to traditional banking, lending, ...
cryptojacking cryptocurrency, fraudulent, banking, AI is Securing Crypto Exchanges

NY Courts: Who is Liable When Cryptocurrency is Stolen?

One of the great things about the blockchain and cryptocurrency is the fact that it operates outside the commercial banking system. Unfortunately, this means that when cryptocurrency is stolen (or, more accurately, ...
Security Boulevard

What Is Symmetric Encryption, How Does It Work & Why Use It?

| | blockchain
Symmetric encryption (or “private key” encryption) is the process of using a single key to both encrypt and decrypt data. It’s called “private key” because the use of a single encryption key ...

Can you pass the Rekt test?

One of the biggest challenges for blockchain developers is objectively assessing their security posture and measuring how it progresses. To address this issue, a working group of Web3 security experts, led by ...
Fuzzing on-chain contracts with Echidna

Fuzzing on-chain contracts with Echidna

| | blockchain, fuzzing
By Guillermo Larregay and Elvis Skozdopolj With the release of version 2.1.0 of Echidna, our fuzzing tool for Ethereum smart contracts, we’ve introduced new features for direct retrieval of on-chain data, such ...
Evaluating blockchain security maturity

Evaluating blockchain security maturity

| | audits, blockchain
By Josselin Feist, Blockchain Engineering Director Holistic security reviews should reveal far more than simple bugs. Often, these bugs indicate deeper issues that can be challenging to understand and address. Given the ...
Verifiable Credentials: Revolutionizing Digital Identity Verification

Verifiable Credentials: Revolutionizing Digital Identity Verification

Discover how verifiable credentials are transforming the way digital identity verification is conducted. Learn about the benefits and potential applications of this revolutionary technology ...
Blockchain technology

Is Blockchain a system of decentralized trust in 2023?

In 2023, blockchain is still considered a system of decentralized trust. Blockchain technology allows for the creation of secure and transparent digital ledgers that can be used to track and verify transactions ...